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"What we sometimes see as a

failure to behave properly, is

actually a failure to

communicate properly"


Our Classes


  • Aimed at: pre-school children ranging from 1.5 years to when they start school in reception

  • Format: 45 minutes of interactive, educational activities for little ones to develop their listening, understanding and speaking skills 

  • Age: Divided into 3 age groups, with some flexibility as we recognise that all children acquire language at their own pace

  • Costs: £12 per session, £144 for full term (12 sessions, with a break for half term)


Click below to book your £25 '3 class trial' for one of our two locations


London       Farnham



Not in either of these locations? Please visit our Communication Fix page to find out how we can help you




These energetic, unpredictable little people are entering the magical world of sounds and words! It is an unbelievably exciting time for them and the tiny sponge inside their head will absorb and keep absorbing - this is such an important developmental phase!


This class aims to:

  • Encourage your little one to play games, join in activities and take turns

  • Promote pre-speaking skills, listening skills and concentration

  • Develop social skills and teamwork

  • Motivate them to use words that represent objects in the world

  • Offer a calm but stimulating environment so that your little one feels comfortable and at ease.





1.5- 2.5 years

Weekday mornings 9.30-10.15am  

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2.5-3.5 years     

Weekday mornings 10.30-11.15am  

These bigger, little people are thirsty to learn and may already communicate with those closest to them relatively clearly. Between the ages of 2.5 and 3.5 children are likely to learn hundreds of new words, sounds and non-verbal communication tricks-let's make the most of this time!


This class aims to:

  • Continue to extend and enrich their existing vocabulary

  • Help them to combine words to make short sentences

  • Communicate confidently to a wider audience

  • Continue to develop their fundamental communication skills – eye contact, turn taking and listening 







3.5-4.5 years/up to school     

11.30am-12.15 noon 


These expressive little people enter their final year before starting school, they may have a secure vocabulary foundation and may be speaking in full sentences. Their love of stories will be exploding and they will be eager to explore and experiment creatively. Our Oaks classes practise repetition to learn stories and the technique of visual story mapping, to give children the foundations to independently create and retell their own stories. 


This class aims to:

  • Spark their imagination

  • Build their bank of vocabulary and develop their knowledge of language patterns

  • Encourage them to re-invent stories they have learnt (this early exposure and grasp of innovating stories is so crucial to the creative story writing they will do at school in the future)

  • Participate in some fundamental pre-phonics activities

  • Enjoy some basic mindfulness and yoga practise to balance creativeness and fun with resilience and calm. 





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As parents ourselves, we feel strongly that we want our classes to wholly support the parents and carers in helping their children to develop strong communication skills. Therefore, we encourage you to be actively involved in the class. We understand that finding the time to purposefully sit and talk to our children is becoming more and more challenging due to life's increasingly busy schedules and a rise in screen time only makes this worse. Our classes allow you 45 minutes of time in your day to fully engage with your child and focus all your attention on them, something we all know we could do more of! 

At each class, we will provide you with simple, practical tips to continue this learning at home.


A note to parents...

We are all fully DBS checked

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